Establishing Settings

One of the benefits of using cieTrade is the ability to customize and tailor the system to compliment your business and fit your needs. You have a remarkable amount of control over how your account is setup, the tools and features you use, and the reporting capacity that comes from your practices.

This article outlines and details all of the system settings that are available at this time.

How to Find Your Settings

You can find your settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right hand corner of page.

All of the Available Settings

The settings page is divided into subsections. For more information on these subsections and the specific information they contain, please click on the name of the section.

Organization Profile Main company information.
Preferences General system settings.
Users & Roles Ability to manage user accounts & permission roles.
Sales Reps Ability to manage  internal commission agents.
Common Information Ability to define and manage general system data and terminology.
Departments Manage additional branches or profit centers of your company.
Accounting General accounting settings, including your general ledger accounts.
Payment Terms List of payment terms.
Integration Manage accounting integration.
Scheduled Reports Ability to send emails containing some of the standard reports within the system to a list of recipients automatically.
Email Templates Ability to create and manage email templates.
Currencies List of currencies and their exchange rate.
Sales Tax Ability to define and manage tax codes and rates.
Warehouses Ability to define warehouses and locations that inventory is stored in at your facility.
Ability to manage and make edits to your documents and certifications.
Inventory Manage inventory settings.
Scales Ability to define and manage onsite scales and weighbridges.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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