How to Create New Users

Provide your employees with access to by creating a new user profile.

How to Create a New User

  1. Navigate to Settings Users & Roles.
  2. Click the + New User button.
  3. Enter the user's First and Last Name.
  4. Enter a User Name (typically their first and last name).
  5. Enter their Email Address.
  6. Select the Permission Role for the user. This will determine their access level, and can be changed at any time.
  7. The rest of the user's information can be entered at your or the user's discretion (such as Phone #ThemeDefault WarehouseDepartmentTime ZoneUOM).
    1. Default Department - this can be used to limit users access to only the department they are assigned to. To enable this, select a department and check off the 'Lock' box.
  8. The Login ID will default to the user's email address. Enter a Password.
  9. Once finished, click Save User.

You're done! Once you click Save User, the user will be created.

NOTE: User information can be updated at any point, including their Login ID and Password.

Additional Information

Welcome Email

You have the option of having cieTrade send an automatic welcome email to new users. To do so, check off the  Send Welcome Email box, and click Save User. This will result with an email being sent to the user (based on the entered email address) with a link to the login page, and their credentials.


cieTrade supports signatures for outgoing emails and your documents. For more information on setting up and using signatures, please see our helpfile here.

Alert Notifications

The "Alert Notifications" section correlates to the system's 'Tasks' feature. For more information on creating and managing tasks, please see our helpfile here.

Lock Account

For instances where you need to prevent an existing user from accessing the system, you can lock their account. We recommend locking old and inactive accounts to prevent unauthorized access. You can lock a user's account by checking off the Account Locked box, and click Save User.

Permission Roles

Permission roles determine the access level of a user. For more information on creating and managing your permission roles, please see our helpfile here.

How to Force a User to Sign Out

If needed, you can manually sign a user out of cieTrade. For instructions on how to sign users out, please see our helpfile here.

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