Setting up Sales Reps

Users have the ability to add buy/sell reps to cieTrade, then apply those reps to associated orders & worksheets. Doing so will allow you to use our Gross Profit by Sales Rep report and obtain the amount of commission owed (if any).

How to Add an Internal Buy/Sell Rep

  1. Navigate to Settings > Sales Reps.
  2. Click + New Sales Rep
  3. Enter the name of the agent. 
  4. Once finished, click Save.

How to Add an External Buy/Sell Rep

External commission reps are handled a little bit differently than internal ones. The reason for that is the need to create a payable in the system in order to pay them.

1. To get started, you'll want to have at least one general ledger account that is classified as 'Commission'.

2. Then, you'll need to add this third party rep as a Counterparty in the system.  They should be set up in the following ways.
  1. Make the Counterparty Name (Short) the full name of the sales rep.
  2. Set the Counterparty Type to both Service and Commission Agent.
  3. Enter the Company name to match what appears in your accounting system for this rep.
  4. Select a default Sales and Expense account.
  5. Choose the Payment Terms required for this individual.
  6. As needed, Primary Contact information can be filled in.
  7. If the commission expenses should fall within a certain set of accounting books, users can select a Department.
This will allow you to generate a payable as an expense on a load, and begin tracking commission payments against this rep.

You're done! For a complete breakdown on commission agents and associated expenses, please see our helpfile here.

How to apply a Sales or Buy Rep Signature

1. Navigate to Settings> Sales Rep

2. Click on the sales or buy reps name

3. Upload a signature file and click Save changes

To apply the signature on documents, please contact the support team. They will be able to apply this signature field on specific documents for you. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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