Navigating cieLocation

cieLocation is a free mobile app that provides you with an instant way of identifying and relocating inventory items at your facility.  

Getting Started:

  1. Set up your log in credentials in cieTrade. Visit our helpfile here for more detailed instructions on this process.
  2. Download cieLocation from the app store.
  3. Upon opening the app, you will be prompted for your credentials. Enter them

Things to Note:

There are three main features of cieLocation. 

Navigating the App:

Scan & Identify Inventory
  1. To start, scan a barcode or you can enter the inventory item number OR the serial number. 
  2. The inventory item information will be displayed . NOTE: You cannot change any of this information. This is for viewing only. 
  3. To move the inventory from one warehouse location to another, use the Location field to input the location the material is moving to.

NOTE: Once you click Save, the warehouse location assigned to this item will update instantaneously and you will receive a confirmation message. 

Stock Confirmation Check

This feature allows the warehouse to look up staged worksheets (receiving, converting and shipping) to quickly scan the inventory for them and confirm they have been found physically. 

  1. Enter a Receiving ticket, converting job or shipping worksheet number.

  1. Click Find to bring up the associated inventory list. This is the list of inventory staged for that worksheet or job that the warehouse should go find and confirm it is available. 
  2. Click Start Scanning to scan the labels of the inventory. Depending on your device, you may need to additionally click the barcode icon to engage the camera. 
  3. If the inventory scanned matches, a green dot will appear next to the inventory item. 

Alternatively if you can manually click on the dots next to the inventory item and select an option

    1. Mark Found - inventory item has been located, which results in a green dot to indicate
    2. Mark NOT Found - inventory item has not been located, which results in a red dot to indicate 
    3. Mark Unconfirmed - inventory item needs further review and confirmation before marking Found/Not Found.

4.  If a barcode is scanned that does NOT match the inventory list, nothing will happen. (Enhancements to this, to allow users with permission to add inventory is coming in 2025)

5. Click Save to update the system. 

Physical Stock Count

To setup and schedule a Physical Cycle Count, you must first establish it in Once created, it will be available to complete in cieLocation. For more information on creating or staging a physical stock count, see our helpfile here. Once you're in the Physical Stock Count page:

  1. Select the Warehouse the stock count is taking place.
  2. Under Check Batch # and location, select the job number that was set up in the system.
  3. Begin scanning, or you can enter the inventory numbers manually into the Inventory Item (or Serial) Number field.

4. Most of the inventory information is view only, but the user can update the location of the item if it is found in the wrong place. This will move it in the system as well. 

5. Click Check to confirm that the item was found. This will make a red flag appear. 

6. If check was incorrectly pressed you can click Uncheck at the bottom to remove the red flag.

7. Continue scanning until your location is checked. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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