Using the Department lock down permission

cieTrade supports multiple departments as well as the ability to lock a specific user into a single department. Follow the below steps the set it up:

1. Go to Settings> Users & Roles

2. Click on the User you want to restrict to a department

3. On this form, select the department and check the 'Lock' box

4. Click Save User

Now that user will only be able to create Orders and worksheets in that Department. They will also only be able to search and filter Inquiries and Reports by that department. 

The Dashboard will also be hidden from users locked into a specific department; the 'What's New' page will be their default login screen.

Please Note: Transactional information from other departments will be hidden. However, common information such as Counterparties, Products, and Common Information dropdowns will be shared between all departments and users. Settings will also not be locked down by Department, so if you want to hide other department information or common settings, please leave 'Manage Settings' unchecked:

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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