How Do I Update the Price of One Individual Grade for a Customer/Supplier ?

The Price Manager offers users a single location to update sales and purchase pricing each month in cases where pricing is not based on a Price Index. Once the current period's pricing is ready to be applied, the Price Manager tool can be opened by navigating to Pricing > Price Manager. The Price Manager (shown below) allows pricing to be updated by contract or by variance for several contracts. 

The Price Manager will show one line for every grade on a Sales or Purchase Order that is in Open status, as long as that grade is not linked to an Index Formula. To update the price of one individual grade for a Customer/Supplier, simply check the box to the left of the line. Then click the Set Price button that has been revealed at the top of the page. A new window will open, allowing you to enter a new price and price unit of measure.

Once you click Set Price, the window will close and the new price will appear in red in your list. The new prices that you enter will remain red until you have completed your changes. At that time, click the Apply Changes button (shown below) to update your Orders and, in the case of Contract Orders, any loads linked to those Orders. Once complete, all updated prices will appear in bold in your list.

Alternatively, you may choose to update multiple prices at once using a price variance. To do so, simply check off multiple lines in the manager and click the Set Variance button that has appeared at the top of the page. 

A new window will open, allowing you to input the change in unit price (positive or negative) to be applied to your selected items. 

Once you click  Set Variance, the window will close and the new price will appear in red in your list. The new prices that you enter will remain red until you have completed your changes. 

Once you are finished updating pricing, click the  Apply Changes button to update your Orders and any unpaid Worksheets, Shipments, or Receipts linked to those Orders. Once complete, all updated prices will appear in bold in your list.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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