Agency Worksheet Overview
Agency is a specialized version of Brokerage. Here is a helpful article that explains what it is.
Once you are ready to get started, enable the feature in your account:
1. Go to Settings> Preferences> Worksheets & Orders > check Use Agency Worksheets> click Save. To begin to create an Agency worksheet:
1. From the dashboard, on the left-hand menu> Agency +. This will open a new Agency Worksheet.
2. Enter the applicable header information
The Wks NO can be manually entered or the system can generate it. The Department is the financial department you will be recording this transaction in. The Trade Type is optional and used to segement month end reporting. Ref Date is an optional date field that can be enabled/disabled and relabeled under Settings> Preferences> Worksheets s& Orders. The Ship-Date is the expected shipping date of the load from your Supplier. Ship Time is an optional field, enabled under Settings> Preferences> Worksheets & ORders> 'Show ship time'. Logistics tab is to track where in the trade this deal is, and is used in conjunction with the inbox feature. The Posting Date can be manually set or will automatically be todays date when you move the worksheet into Posted Status. The Status feild controls the financial reproting date of the load.
Next enter the particular information about the Customer and Supplier. Please note, these companies must first be set up as Counterparties before they will show in the selected drop downs.
3. Select your Customer under the Sold To. Use the Lookup button to link a Sales Order. The Payment Terms and Sales Rep will automatically populate from the Counterparty (if they have been set) and the Due-Date will calculate based on the Ship-Date and the Payment Terms selected. Select your Supplier under the Purchased From section. Use the Lookup button to select a Purchase Order.
4. Use the Shipping References section to enter additional information as it is received.
5. Next, enter the grades/prodcuts taht your customer is buying or selling. NOTE: If you linked a Sales or Purchase Order, the grad detail lines will have populated. If you did not, you can click +Add Item to select a product, pricing, and quantity.
NOTE: pricing is just a placeholder since these will not affect your financials.
6. Under Expenses, you can list any expense associated with this transaction, such as freight or your own commission. NOTE: when entering your own commission, enter it as a negative amount. This will later be 'flipped' to an open receivable in the AP ledger.
7. Under Invoice Notes, Shipping Instructions, and Pickup Instructions you can create templates or enter instructions.
8. If there are additional fields or information that you require to capture but there are not cooresponding fields on teh out of the box worksheeet, you can add these as custom fields under Settings> Preferences> User Defined Fields> Worksheets.
9. CLick Save to save teh worksheet. If you did not enter a manual worksheet number, then the sysetm will generate one upon the first time saveing this worksheet. That worksheeet number will late rbecomme the invoice number for the trasnaction.
To generate or send any documentation for either side:
1. From the overview of the agency worksheet, click the documents tab
2. LCIck New document to see the list of available documents.
3. CLick ont eh appropriate one and select the option to print or email.
4. to set up email templates, click here.
To send an invoice with your commission:
1. Set your Worksheet to Invoiced status
2. You will see on the expenses tab, your negative commission rate
3. Go to the AP Ledger and filter for the payable.
4. Check the correct payable or payables and click 'Post'. This will bring up the below box. Check 'Post to A/R'. This will now either be sent to your accounting system as an open receivable or if you are using AR module, then it will be available in the Receipts Ledger
If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to