How do I set up my accounting integration?

If you have not set up your accounting integration yet, we recommend you contact cieTrade for a brief overview call prior to following the below steps:

To watch a short video demonstrating the process, please click here

  1. Enter your list of Counterparties (your Customers and Vendors) in
    1. For step by step: Creating Counterparties.
  2. Map the Chart of Accounts in
    1. For step by step: Mapping Sales & Expense Accounts.
  3. Connect to your accounting system
    1. For step by step: Accounting Integration
  4. Sync your Counterparties to the back-end accounting system. (see below)

Once you have established the integration with your accounting system, a Sync Counterparties button will appear in the top header above your Counterparties list. 

*Note: This step assumes integration with a blank or new accounting file. For integrations with existing files, or those containing Customers and Vendors, please contact the support team via email to for additional assistance.

Clicking the Sync Counterparties button will connect to your accounting system, where Customer and Vendor lists will be populated based on your Counterparties list.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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