Warehouse Module: Scale Shipping

The Scale Shipping tool in the Warehouse menu is designed for quick and efficient shipments of bulk grades (perpetual and non perpetual), typically through a scale house. There is some set up required before using this feature. 

Set Up:

1.Enable the Warehouse Management tool

2. Use Bulk grades (perpetual or non perpetual)

3. Integrate scales (not required)


1. Set up a Shipping Worksheet 

2. The Scale House will click Shipping + to create a new scale shipping ticket

3. The scale user can either look up the shipping worksheet either by typing in the Pickup/Wks No. or entering a Release number (click look up OR type in the number). The slip will populate with any information that was entered on the staged Shipping worksheet. 

4. The truck light weight can be recorded by clicking the Tare button (if linked to a scale) or by manually typing in the weight. 

5. After the truck is loaded, the scale user can reopen the ticket and enter the heavy weight.

6. The Net weight from the scale block will automatically apply to the grade line, if there is a single grade. 

7. If packaging units need to be added, the scale user can click on the grade line and enter the packaging type and number of units. If the packaging type has a default unit tare, it will populate in the Tare field. 

8. Click Save to save the scale slip. This will update the underlying Shipping Worksheet. 

9. In the upper right shortcuts, the scale user can:

 Print the BOL (click the printer icon)

Print the Scale Ticket (click the scroll icon)

Capture a signature (click the last icon). NOTE: this requires a signature pad to be plugged into the device (laptop, desktop, tablet)

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to support@cietrade.net.

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