Service Record Export & Upload Tool

The Service Export tool allows users to quickly export a select set of service records, make any needed changes to them en masse, and reupload them to the system. Making the process of updating a handful or more records, very easy!

Key Features

  • Import new Service Records.
  • Export a list of existing Service Records.
  • Edit existing Service Records en masse (via exporting and reuploading the file)

Finding the Service Export

The Service Record Export & Upload Tool can be found within the Service drop down menu within the panel on the left hand side of the screen.

How to Export

You have two options when it comes to obtaining the export file. You can either export a blank excel spread, in which you can define new Service Records on and reupload into the system. Or you can export the file with the information from your current Service Records, within a set parameter.

Export Empty File:

  1. From the Export Service page, check the box for Empty Template.
  2. Once checked, click the Export button.

The downloaded file will not contain any service record information, except for the data points (defined as column headers) that can be used to create new ones.

Export File with Data:

  1. From the Export Service page, ensure the box for Empty Template is not checked.
  2. The filters that are provided can be used to narrow down the service records that will be returned (or included in the file). You can filter by Account, Location, or Department.
  3. Once you are satisfied with the range, or parameters for the export file, click the Export button.

The downloaded file will contain only the service records that match the parameters established via the provided filters.

Making Changes to Existing Service Records

Within the column headers of the exported file, will be comments that contain more information about the requirements the data point (represented by the columns) and the format that cieTrade is expecting. Every single piece of information on a Service Record can me amended this way, except for the Service #. cieTrade uses this column to match existing Service Records back to the original one, so if the ID number was to change, you will run into issues upon uploading it. Besides the Service Record #, users are free to add, update, or remove, any piece of information that the file provides.

Importing New or Existing Records (with changes)

If you are at this point, and ready to upload the file back into cieTrade, then it will be one of two scenarios. You are either uploading new records or existing ones with modifications.

Upload File with New Records:

  • The one requirement for creating new service records using the provided excel file, is that within the Service # column, all new records must have NEW entered into the corresponding cell. 

Upload File with Existing Records:

  • Upon uploading an excel sheet with existing service records, the system will run a validation process for each of the used cells in the file. If there is any information that does not match or perhaps entered incorrectly, the cell will be flagged, noticeably, and you will need to correct said flags before the file can successfully be uploading into the system, for any changes to take affect.

Steps to Upload File:

  1. Once you have a ServiceExportUpload file that is ready to be uploaded, navigate the the Export Service page.
  2. There will be a field with a Browse button next to it. Click it. 
  3.  A file explorer for your computer will appear. Find the file on your machine and select it. Click Open once it has been selected.  
  4. Once the file has been added to the webpage, click Upload to upload it into cieTrade's format. 
  5. A preview of the excel sheet will be shown. You can make any final or needed changes at this point.
  6. Once ready, click the Import button to transfer the service records, and any changes made to them, into the system. It is at this point cieTrade will run it's validation process and flag any cells that contain errors. 

Flagged Cells & Common Issues

Sometimes upon uploading new or existing Service Records, you will run into a problem where a handful or more data cells are flagged and prevents any further action with the records. The most common cause of a flagged cell is because the format, or information given, does not match what cieTrade is expecting (and requires). A comment will be added to any flagged cell which will provide more information about the specific reason why this cell is preventing the upload.


Once the system accepts the file, any new records or changes made to existing ones will be live. You will receive a confirmation banner letting you know if the upload was a success.

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