Document Tracking
The Document Tracking feature is meant to help clients to keep track of which documents are necessary for a particular type of transaction. For instance, for many export shipments, various certifications and inspections are required. This tool will allow a user to define a type of transaction and dictate the sequence of documents that need to be prepared.
To set up your document tracking feature, click on the Document Tracking drop down and select Event Management.
Click +Add Event and add any event you wish to pull into a Set:
Once you have all of the events you wish to add into a Set, you can click into "Set Builder"
Enter your Set name and click +Add New to add one Event or +Add All Events if you wish to pull all of them into this set.
If you select +Add New, a dropdown will appear. Select the Event you wish to add and click "Add"
Once you have added your events, you can change the order or delete if needed.
Your sets will appear in a list on the left-hand side.
In order to assign your document tracking set to a Sales Order, edit into the Sales Order and select the Set.
In order to track your document events for this sale, click into the Inquiry under Document Tracking. You will see a list of your open Sales Order & can filter by drop down such as Document Set Name.
If you click into one of these line items, you are able to mark off a date that each event was completed & have two typable fields to add additional information such as a confirmation or tracking #.
If you scroll to the right on the Inquiry screen, you are able to quickly see the tracking information for each Sales Order:
Once you close the Sales Order, it will be removed from the Document Tracking Inquiry.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to