Service Record

The Service Record is where you will define the costs and charges for a single piece of equipment at a location. It will also be the basis for creating the Billing Sheet. 

NOTE: Each Service Record represents all of the charges for 1 piece of equipment at each location. Therefore, if you have 1 company, with 4 locations, with 3 pieces of equipment to be serviced at each location, you would have 12 service records. 

To create a new one. Go to the  Service Menu> Service Manager> New Record This will create a new record.  The following is a breakdown of the fields on the Service Record. 

1.  The Customer is the account you are servicing. This needs to be an active and existing counterparty with the role of Customer. 

2. The location is the specific store address where the equipment is. This needs to be an active and existing location under the primary counterparty. 

3. You can use the  Department drop-down to segment reports. You can also set contracts per department for tracking purposes. 

4. Select the type of  Equipment.  If you are a waste broker and want this list restricted to only active equipment for this clients site, then you will need to go to Settings>Preferences> System Options> Waste Brokerage> check off 'use dispatch service record workflow for waste brokerage. This will make only active equipment for this client appear on the dispatch ticket and billing sheet. To add Equipment to this drop-down, go to Settings> Common Information> Equipment Types.  

5. The Hauler/Service Provider who will be performing this service. This will also show on the dispatch ticket for service request emails and on the billing sheet under Vendor. 

6. The Receiver is optional. This is if you are tracking where the equipment is being dropped off, such as to a landfill. It will auto-populate if one is selected, on a dispatch ticket. If you are picking up equipment and bringing them into your own yard, you can select (Warehouse)

7. If you selected a Receiver, you will need to select a Location to specify the address where this material is going to. If it is your warehouse then you will need to select which warehouse. 

8. Material Recovered is optional. If you select it, it applies to all material in the equipment for this service record. If you have a mixed material equipment or may be breaking out different grades for pricing to your customer, then yo will want to leave this blank and define the material on the individual expense lines below. If you enter the material here, it will pull through to the billing sheet and related diversion reports. If you enter a material here and on the expense line, the expense line grade will take precedence when it pulls through to the billing sheet. 

9. The Site Ref is optional. It shows with the equipment on the dispatch ticket drop-down if you want to reference a particular equipment at this client location. 

10. The Equipment number is optional. Often it is used if the service provider needs to identify this particular equipment during a service swap. This field can be pulled onto service request emails and documents from the Dispatch Ticket. 

11. The Equipment Count is optional. It is for the rare occasion where you want to track several of the same equipment on a single service record. 

12. If the Active check box is not checked, then this will be considered an inactive record, and you will not be able to pull it into any dispatch tickets, or billing sheets. 

13. The Schedule is where you will define how often this equipment is being serviced. Here are the options:

- On-call is if there is no schedule and you only send out the service provider if the client calls you, requesting it. 

- Daily will give you fields to input how often and how many times a day the equipment is being serviced.

- Weekly will give you the weekdays to check off to denote which days you are servicing the equipment on. Below it, will be a box to put the number of times a day you will service it, if applicable. This will be important if you are going to use the Create Service Jobs feature. 

- Monthly will give two options on how to express the frequency of service.

14. The Start Date is the first date that you will be servicing this equipment. The End Date is the last date you will be servicing it.  This is important because any dispatch tickets with a date outside of these two will not show this piece of equipment, nor will you be able to pull any expenses from this service record onto a billing sheet if its outside of these dates. 

15. If this piece of equipment does not have an end date, then you can check ' Never Expires'.

16. If you check Create Service Jobs, then the system will bulk generate all of your dispatch tickets for the month, based on the schedule you have laid out. This is done with the 'Generate Services' page under the left-hand Service menu. 

17. The Expense and Charges section is where you are defining each charge for this equipment. It should reflect your contract with your client and with your service provider. There is a variety of ways for these charges to be expressed, which can be discussed with the support team if you have questions. However, here are some of the most common types of charges:

- Flat fees, such as for rentals. If you are only paying and/or charging a one-time fee each month, this is the best way to express it. Note: you enter the price you are paying the hauler or service provider under the expense and you are entering what you are charging your client in the Chargeback. It is okay to have only one side for charges. For example, if you are paying your service vendor but not passing the charge to your customer, then the chargeback price would be blank. Or if you own the equipment and you are therefore only charging the customer for it, then you would leave the expense price blank.  The expense and chargeback accounts are from your GL accounts that you set up under Settings. 

- A per-weight fee is where you are staging what you will be paid and what you will be charged. This is typically a tipping fee or landfill fee. The type needs to be set to ON CALL so that the billing sheet will look for the weight or presence of a dispatch ticket in order to bring this expense/charge line into the billing sheet. If there is no dispatch ticket then this expense/charge will not show on the billing sheet for that month because the system assumes the service never happened. 

- Overweight fees are common for clients who paying an additional amount for tipping or landfill fees. The check box will work with teh target weight field under this section to look at all dispatch ticket weights and determine if this additional charge needs to be applied to the billing sheet.

- The last common type of charge is a per-service fee. This is not weight-dependent to be pulled onto a dispatch ticket but will depend on the 'pickups per month' field below this section to determine how many times this service should have occurred. This is used when you don't need to dispatch out each service, but you do want to itemize the services to your client on the invoice. 

NOTE: if you want to apply taxes to these expenses/charges you can check ' is taxable'. If you need to make sure that tax is calculated and added to each billing invoice, then you can make that a default setting under Settings> Preferences> System Options> Waste Brokerage> 'Require Tax Code on Billing Sheets'

If you want to bill twice in a month, you can check off the expenses/charges as ' Advanced Billing'. These are typically flat fees that you may charge on the 1st of the month such as a rental fee or equipment fee, and then at the end of the month, you will rebill the client for all service and weight charges. 

18.  Pickups Per Month allow charges to be automatically pulled onto the billing sheet when the expense line item is set to a per-service unit of measure.  This charge/expense will come into the billing sheet as one line per number of services entered. So if you enter 5, then any per-service charge/expense line will come through to the billing sheet as 5 lines.  

19.  Target Weight allows you to enter a base weight and then charge overage fees for any weight over the target weight. If a target weight is entered but the box is not checked, then billing sheets will record this weight even if no weight is entered onto the dispatch ticket.     

20. The Dispatch Defaults are all open fields where you can record essential information to either display on the dispatch email to the service provider, or be shown on the dispatch ticket screen for your dispatcher to note when taking the call or scheduling the service

21. These are additional defaults for dispatch. The service type will auto default to this type of service (note the corresponding field/drop down on the individual expenses, so you can assign expenses/charges depending on the type of service being provided). The default request party and email request sent will pull into the Dispatch ticket and the service email. 

22. The user is the system user that created the service record, this is for traceability. 

Once all of this information is entered, you can click Save and view this on the Service Manager Inquiry or on the Locations tab of the Customer counterparty. 


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