Billing Sheet Manager

The Billing Sheet Manager makes it easy to track in process and completed billing sheets. If you begin a new Billing Sheet but cannot complete it, the Billing Sheet Manager makes it easy to track billing sheets that are pending completion. 

You can use the Report Filters on the left to refine your search for unposted Billing Sheets. 

The Customize button allows you to re-order or hide the column headers. 

Using the Export As drop down menu you can export this to Excel to further manipulate or save. 

The Lookup icon will bring up a store location look up by either store number or key words in the location address.

+ New Billing Sheet will take you to a new Billing Sheet. Click into any of the line items on the manager to make edits to existing billing sheets. 

The Date can be run by Invoice or Post dates. The All check box will search for all dates instead of restricting it between the set dates in the fields below. 

The Account is the Customer you are providing services for. The Location allows you to filter by a specific location instead of seeing all of the locations for that Customer. 

Filtering by the Department will allow you to see which billing charges are being run by each department. This feature will also allow you to restrict what certain users can see if they are locked into a Department. 

The Status is related to the status on the billing sheet. This allows you to have a user defined workflow for invoice approval. 

The Vendor is the Hauler that was defined on the Service Manager. By using this filter you can search for all of the open billing sheets that are connected to a particular Vendor. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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