Overview of Ocean Freights

cieTrade.net now stores Ocean Freights, with related charges, and will apply them on a Shipping Worksheet, once tied to a Booking number. Any expenses listed on the ocean rate form, will be applied as a per container, ST, MT, or flat fee, to each container listed on a specific shipping worksheet. 

IE: if the Ocean Rate is $1000/container, and you are shipping 5 containers on a shipping worksheet under the same Booking, the expenses would be totaled at $5,000. 

Step One: Storing the Freight Rates

1. Click on Freight from the left-hand menu then Ocean Freight +

2. Fill in the fields. 

NOTE: Ocean Carrier, Date, Reference NO, POL, POD, and Freight Charge are required fields.

3. Under expenses, you can enter any additional or related fees such as loading, processes, documentation, etc. All of these expenses can be set as per container, Flat, or Per ST/MT.  

4. Click Save

Step Two: Adding Freight to the Booking

When creating a Booking, cieTrade will suggest the least expensive rate, based on the Cut-Off-Date, POL and POD. You can use the spyglass to look up other applicable rates. You can also enter another Freight Rate if you do not want to use a stored rate.

6. On a shipping worksheet, after selecting the Booking and the Packing List, in the Expenses field, click +Add Budget. 

You will see the Source is either the Sales Order (Budget feature) or the Ocean Freight Rate. Select the ones you want to apply. 

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