Setting up ciePortal for your customers
An admin can set up a ciePortal connection for a Supplier (your Customer) so that they can view their recycling information such as shipments, product details, the status of payments, and more.
To see what your company portal URL is:
Go to Settings > Organizational profile.
To set up a customer portal:
1. Go to the Contact Manager
2. Filter for the Company and/or Contact you want to set up
NOTE: if you want to register all of the contacts at one company, you will need to enable it on every contact for that specific company
3. Enter an Email (or if there is one present, that will become the username), password, and check the Use Portal box
4. Provide access to all or select locations for this company by checking off names from the Locations List. This feature allows users to restrict the data that is pushed over to a contact's portal, if they should not have access to information for particular counterparty locations.
NOTE: If no locations are selected, no data will appear in the portal.
5. Once you click Save, the customer will be sent a welcome letter with the URL and their username & password
If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to