What if I decide to update the pricing of an Index ?

Each month, your Index Prices can be updated with pricing from the new month's indexes. This process of updating Index Prices will automatically update the pricing for any product on a Purchase Contract that is linked to an Index Formula, as well as any Worksheets that have been created and linked to these Purchase Contracts.

To update Index Pricing:

  1. Navigate to Pricing > Index Prices. A list containing your previously entered Indexes will populate and a drop-down menu at the top will indicate the month for which pricing is being updated. This defaults to the current period. 
  2. Enter your publication's index price for each index in the field to the right of the index name.
  3. When finished, click the Apply Index Prices button in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up message will alert you to the number of Orders and Worksheets that have been updated.
  4. Follow this procedure each month when your Index Prices have been published.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to  support@cietrade.net.

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