How do I Create a Purchase Adjustment ?
To create a new Purchase Adjustment, go to the Adjustments tab of the Worksheet and use the New Adjustment drop down to select Purchase Adjustment.
NOTE: TheMemo #will be generated from and theMemo Title will automatically populate with either “Credit Memo” or “Debit Memo” based on the Amount entered for the adjustment (i.e., -$350 would be a Credit Memo, $350 would be a Debit Memo).
1. Select the Expense Account from the dropdown list. You can reference an external Invoice number, as needed.
2. Select a Posting Date, which will determine the period in which the Purchase Adjustment will hit accounting. If no Post Date is selected, the system will automatically default it to the current date when the Posted checkbox is checked.
3. Enter an Amount. You can also enter a Weight to show on the memo.
4. In the Explanation box, you may enter any Purchase Adjustment notes that will print on the Credit/Debit Memo.
5. Click Save. It will now appear in your AP Ledger, under the selected Counterparty.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email