Flipping Positive Payables to A/R
Currently, in cieTrade.net you can only 'flip' a negative payable in the AP Ledger. However, if you have a situation where a Supplier wants you to use what your company owes them against what they owe you, you can use this workaround.
To begin, create a new WOrksheet, with the Sold To the Supplier, Purchased from (OTHER).
Under the expense section, create an Expense to that Supplier as the Vendor with a negative expense amount AND a negative chargeback amount. The negative expense amount will show in your AP Ledger for you to post with the original positive payable, so that it nets out to $0.
Lastly, put the Worksheet into INVOICED Status. This will create a Credit Memo which will push to your accounting system for that “Customer”.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to support@cietrade.net.