CRM Module Overview supports a way to track current client relationships and sales prospects, as well as related tasks and opportunities. It is a great tool for your Sales Reps or teams to communicate to the managers and back office where they are in the sales pipeline. This article will give you a brief overview of how to navigate this feature.

The features associated with our CRM:

Name Location Desc.
Latest Activity Short cuts menu Overview of Tasks & Notes, and allows you to filter/search for information
Business Management Inquiry Short cuts menu Report for Products of Interest
Products of Interest Counterparty Ability to track products and pricing 
Notes Short cuts menu / Latest Activity Record information
Tasks Short cuts menu / Latest Activity Setup action items with the option of receiving notifications

Getting Started:

The CRM Module and associated functions can be enabled by checking the 'Show CRM Module' checkbox within Settings >  Preferences >  System Options.

At the base of the CRM functions, is the Latest Activity page. This page presents the activity that relates to CRM, such as any task or note that has been created. You can find this page by clicking on the Latest Activity button, found in the top right corner, in the list of shortcuts. 

From the Latest Activity tab, you can filter to find a specific Counterparty or Opportunity. You can only add notes and tasks for existing Counterparties. Using the filters on the Counterparty set up, you can designate it to be 'Active', 'Inactive', or a 'Prospect'. Alternatively, you can search by Opportunities. 

Here is a video that shows the functionality of the CRM Home Page:

Please note: to create and use opportunities, you will need to create them in Settings > Common Information > Opportunities

New Note

To create a New Note, click on the CRM NOTE icon and fill in the required fields. allows any type of attachments, within 800KB file size. To view the entire relationship or an ongoing conversation for this Counterparty, click on the Note. 

To delete a Note from Latest Activity, roll your mouse over the note till the trash can icon pops up at the bottom. Click on it and confirm you want to delete it. You cannot access deleted notes.

Here is a video on creating Notes in the system:

New Task

To Create a New Task:

You can do this from the Latest Activity Tab, the header of, or from the counterparty drill down notes page. From any of these options, click on Add a New Task and fill in the required fields. An email reminder will be sent out to the user responsible the day before & morning of due date of this task. If you check off "Contact," an email will go out to your contact as well.

Note: You can create a task for a contact without a counterparty.

This task will now appear in the Task Notifications icon, on the sidebar on the Latest Activity tab, and on the Counterparty drill down pages. 

To remove a task, or mark it complete, simply check the box. you will be prompted to confirm that the task has been completed. 

Here is a video on how to create Tasks in the system:

Products of Interest 

cieTrade allows users to enter material and products that customers and suppliers are looking for, with pricing, attributes, notes etc.

On the Counterparty > Products of Interest > New

Here is a video that goes through the Products of Interest:

Business Management Inquiry

The business management tool can quickly search by product or attribute to see what materials counterparties are buying or selling. It is used hand in hand with the Products of Interest tool. It is seperate from Products of Interest, so it will need to be enabled in your Settings > Preferences.

To navigate to the Business Management Inquiry, click the briefcase icon within the shortcuts menu in the top right of the page. You can create new Products of Interest on the fly by clicking the + New button. Additional filters are provided such as a date range, counterparty, interest type, and product.

Please Note: We do not currently support unique user roles or permissions for this feature, which means if you have your Sales Reps using the CRM features, you can only set restrictions that currently exist. However, we will be unrolling some tighter controls in the future. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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