Using the Inbox

In, you can use the  Inbox to help you keep track of your shipments during each stage of your workflow. The Logistics and Status fields provided on the Worksheet (shown below) correspond directly to folders in the Inbox. The Inbox will therefore serve as a virtual filing cabinet of all shipments, excluding those in Cancelled and Invoiced status, allowing you to quickly locate and monitor each in-process transaction.

The  Work (Pending) folder contains loads in Work status that are not set to a specific Logistics status. This folder indicates to users that these shipments have only been staged in the system. The Work (Scheduled) folder contains loads in Work status with a Logistics status of either Setup or Dispatched. The Work (Shipped) folder contains loads that are also in Work status but have a logistical status of Shipped. This folder indicates that these Worksheets have received confirmation that the load has shipped. The Work (Delivered) inbox is for Worksheets with the logistical status of Arrived or Received. 

NOTE: Work (Delivered) is an optional inbox and can be enabled under Settings> System Options> Show Delivered Folder.

The Completed, Approved, and Not Approved folders can be used to monitor shipments towards the final stages of your workflow.

The  Completed folder contains Worksheets that have been moved from Work to Completed status, which is done after both the pricing and shipped/received weights have been finalized. The Approved folder contains Worksheets that have been moved to Approved status by an administrator and are ready to be invoiced. The Not Approved folder contains any loads that have been rejected by an administrator, indicating to users that the Worksheets will need to be revised prior to invoicing.

Finally, the  Arrange-Freight folder contains Worksheets that have a Logistics status of Setup but have not yet been Invoiced, indicating that logistics will need to be arranged for those shipments.  The Confirm Shipment folder contains Worksheets that are in Dispatched status and are awaiting confirmation from the supplier or freight carrier that the load has shipped.

To make it easier to navigate through the Inbox Folders and allow for worksheet changes, selecting a Worksheet in the Inbox will open the Worksheet in Edit mode.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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