Account Locations

Counterparty (customer & Supplier) Locations are basically addresses that are associated with a given account and used for remittance, pickup, delivery, etc. The ListAccountLocations API produces a list of addresses or locations that have been defined for a specific account or for multiple accounts. Each row in the result set represents one location for a specific account. 

Request Example

Query Parameters (Filters)

UserID User Name. Required  
UserPwd User Password. Required  
Account Target Account. Use exact company name as defined, Account ID or blank value for locations across all accounts.  Optional  
Location Target Location Short Name for the account parameter. If this is used the result set will return only one record for this location. Optional

Response Example

        "account_name": "Polymer Mart",
        "location_short_name": "BILLING",
        "address_id": "402055",
        "account_id": "1008",
        "company_primary_email": "",
        "address_line_1": "343 Montville St",
        "address_line_2": "Building J",
        "city": "Newcastle",
        "region": "PA",
        "postal": "99023",
        "country": "USA",
        "is_primary_address": "Y",
        "contact_name": "apdept",
        "contact_email": "",
        "billing_email_address": ""
	"active_status": "Active",
	"location_UDF1": "FLORIDA",
	"location_UDF2": "Franchise"
	"location_UDF3": "",
	"location_UDF4": ""
  • Is_Primary_Address is a "Y" or "N" value. Only one per counterparty.
  • Billing_Email_address  is the Counterparty default billing contact if set. Otherwise it will be the primary contact of the counterparty.
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