Trading Inquiry
The Trading Inquiry API is a report that provides a detailed listing of individual grades or products that have been transacted on a receiving, shipping or brokerage Worksheet. It includes specific weight, quantity, price and extension references, logistics references, trading partners, receivers, shippers and margin. Note: This report will not tie out with gross profit reports in cieTrade by design. Contact cieTrade support for more information on why. Data is returned as a JSON table with each row representing one Product/Grade detail line on a given worksheet.
Request Example""&InvType=SHIP
Query Parameters (Filters)
UserID | User Name. | Required | |
UserPwd | User Password. | Required | |
DateType | Determines which date field to filter on. INV=Invoice-Date. SHIP=Ship-Date | Optional | |
DateFrom | Start of "Shipping" date range. Optional, if not provided, it will default to 30 days from today's date. | Optional | |
DateTo | End of "shipping" date range. Optional, if not provided, it will default to Todays Date. | Optional | |
Dept | Department Filter Example: “00” as it is stored in cieTrade, or Department Short Name. This parameter is Optional, no default value if not provided. | Optional | |
Customer | Customer receiving goods. Pass the exact customer name as listed in cieTrade or the customer's account ID. Blank value defaults to all customers. |
Optional | |
CustLoc | Filter on worksheet for this customer location name only. Default value is blank which returns all locations. | Optional | |
Supplier |
Hauler or vendor servicing account. Pass the exact company name as listed in cieTrade or the vendor’s account ID. Blank value defaults to all suppliers. |
Optional | |
SupplierLoc | Filter on worksheet for this supplier location name only. Default value is blank which returns all locations. | Optional | |
InventoryType | Inventory Worksheet Type filter: RCV = Filter on receiving only SHIP=Filter on shipping only. default value blank includes all worksheets. | Optional | |
Response Example
{ "WorksheetNo": "512629", "Detailid": "74557", "Department": "REDHOOK", "TradeType": "METAL", "Status": "WORK", "ShippingDt": "2024-07-02", "InvoiceDt": null, "SoOrderDt": null, "PoOrderDt": null, "Customer": "DAKTEST234", "CustomerAddress": "DAKTEST234, 15 N water street, norwalk, CT, USA", "ShipFromID": "PERKIOMEN", "RelNo": "", "ContainerNo": "", "Supplier": "(INVENTORY)", "SupplierAddress": "Perkiomen Warehouse, 200 Seminary Road, Pennsburg, PA 18073, USA", "ShipTo": "new location", "PickupNo": "", "BookingNo": "", "SoDestPort": "", "PoDestPort": "", "ETA": "Jan 1 1900 12:00AM", "ProductCat": "", "ProductGrp": "", "Description": "#1 HEAVY MELTING STEEL", "Specifications": "", "InvoiceDesc": "", "Units": "32", "UnitType": "1X1T BAG", "WksWeightLBS": "3.00000", "SWeight": "3.00000", "SWeightUOM": "LBS", "PWeight": "0.00000", "PWeightUOM": "LBS", "SWeightLBS": "3.00000", "WksSales": "369.00", "WksChgBack": "0.00", "WksExp": "23.00", "WksPurchases": "0.00", "WksSAdj": "0.00", "WksPAdj": "0.00", "Factor": "1.000000000000", "SPO": "", "SCurrencyCd": "USD", "SPrice": "123.00", "SPriceUOM": "LBS", "SAmount": "369.00", "PO": "", "PCurrencyCd": "USD", "PPrice": "0.00", "PPriceUOM": "LBS", "PAmount": "0.00", "ChargeBacks": "0.00", "FreightExp": "0.00", "Expenses": "23.00", "SAdjs": "0.00", "PAdjs": "0.00", "Interest": "0.00", "BankFees": "0.00", "Discount": "0.00", "Margin": "1504.34", "TotalSale": "369.00", "TotalCost": "23.00", "GrossProfit": "346.00", "NetProfit": "23.00", "Sell-Rep": "EV", "Buy-Rep": "", "IsAgency": "0", "IsNegSales": "0", "TranSrc": "INV", "UserDefined1": "", "UserDefined2": "", "UserDefined3": "", "OwnerName": "cieTrade Admin", "POShippingTerms": "", "POShipVia": "", "POPaymentTerms": "", "SOShippingTerms": "", "SOShipVia": "", "SOPaymentTerms": "", "CustID": "43982", "SupplierID": "(INV)", "EquipNo": "", "GrossWt": "0.00000", "TareWt": "0.00000", "NetWt": "0.00000" }