Trading Inquiry

The Trading Inquiry API is a report that provides a detailed listing of individual grades or products that have been transacted on a receiving, shipping or brokerage Worksheet.  It includes specific weight, quantity, price and extension references, logistics references, trading partners, receivers, shippers and  margin.  Note: This report will not tie out with gross profit reports in cieTrade by design. Contact cieTrade support for more information on why. Data is returned as a JSON table with each row representing one Product/Grade detail line on a given worksheet.

Request Example""&InvType=SHIP

Query Parameters (Filters)

UserID User Name. Required  
UserPwd User Password. Required  
DateType Determines which date field to filter on. POST=Invoice/Post-Date. SHIP=Ship-Date Optional  
DateFrom Start of "Shipping" date range. Optional, if not provided, it will default to 30 days from today's date.  Optional
DateTo End of "shipping" date range. Optional, if not provided, it will default to Todays Date.  Optional  
Dept Department Filter Example: “00” as it is stored in cieTrade, or Department Short Name. This parameter is Optional, no default value if not provided. Optional  
Customer Customer receiving goods. Pass the exact customer name as listed in cieTrade or the customer's account ID. Blank value defaults to all customers.
CustLoc Filter on worksheet for this customer location name only. Default value is blank which returns all locations. Optional
Hauler or vendor servicing account. Pass the exact company name as listed in cieTrade or the vendor’s account ID. Blank value defaults to all suppliers.
SupplierLoc Filter on worksheet for this supplier location name only. Default value is blank which returns all locations. Optional
InventoryType Inventory Worksheet Type filter:  RCV = Filter on receiving only SHIP=Filter on shipping only. default value blank includes all worksheets. Optional
Status Filters on Worksheet Status. If not provided defaults to only POSTED worksheets which is typically how this should be run. Options include POSTED, UNPOSTED and ALL  All options exclude cancelled worksheets. Optional

Response Example

        "WorksheetNo": "512629",
        "Detailid": "74557",
        "Department": "REDHOOK",
        "TradeType": "METAL",
        "Status": "WORK",
        "ShippingDt": "2024-07-02",
        "InvoiceDt": null,
        "SoOrderDt": null,
        "PoOrderDt": null,
        "Customer": "DAKTEST234",
        "CustomerAddress": "DAKTEST234, 15 N water street, norwalk, CT, USA",
        "ShipFromID": "PERKIOMEN",
        "RelNo": "",
        "ContainerNo": "",
        "Supplier": "(INVENTORY)",
        "SupplierAddress": "Perkiomen Warehouse, 200 Seminary Road, Pennsburg, PA 18073, USA",
        "ShipTo": "new location",
        "PickupNo": "",
        "BookingNo": "",
        "SoDestPort": "",
        "PoDestPort": "",
        "ETA": "Jan  1 1900 12:00AM",
        "ProductCat": "",
        "ProductGrp": "",
        "Description": "#1 HEAVY MELTING STEEL",
        "Specifications": "",
        "InvoiceDesc": "",
        "Units": "32",
        "UnitType": "1X1T BAG",
        "WksWeightLBS": "3.00000",
        "SWeight": "3.00000",
        "SWeightUOM": "LBS",
        "PWeight": "0.00000",
        "PWeightUOM": "LBS",
        "SWeightLBS": "3.00000",
        "WksSales": "369.00",
        "WksChgBack": "0.00",
        "WksExp": "23.00",
        "WksPurchases": "0.00",
        "WksSAdj": "0.00",
        "WksPAdj": "0.00",
        "Factor": "1.000000000000",
        "SPO": "",
        "SCurrencyCd": "USD",
        "SPrice": "123.00",
        "SPriceUOM": "LBS",
        "SAmount": "369.00",
        "PO": "",
        "PCurrencyCd": "USD",
        "PPrice": "0.00",
        "PPriceUOM": "LBS",
        "PAmount": "0.00",
        "ChargeBacks": "0.00",
        "FreightExp": "0.00",
        "Expenses": "23.00",
        "SAdjs": "0.00",
        "PAdjs": "0.00",
        "Interest": "0.00",
        "BankFees": "0.00",
        "Discount": "0.00",
        "Margin": "1504.34",
        "TotalSale": "369.00",
        "TotalCost": "23.00",
        "GrossProfit": "346.00",
        "NetProfit": "23.00",
        "Sell-Rep": "EV",
        "Buy-Rep": "",
        "IsAgency": "0",
        "IsNegSales": "0",
        "TranSrc": "INV",
        "UserDefined1": "",
        "UserDefined2": "",
        "UserDefined3": "",
        "OwnerName": "cieTrade Admin",
        "POShippingTerms": "",
        "POShipVia": "",
        "POPaymentTerms": "",
        "SOShippingTerms": "",
        "SOShipVia": "",
        "SOPaymentTerms": "",
        "CustID": "43982",
        "SupplierID": "(INV)",
        "EquipNo": "",
        "GrossWt": "0.00000",
        "TareWt": "0.00000",
        "NetWt": "0.00000"
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