Getting Started
The API allows you to perform "GET" or retrieval operations on many commonly used datasets that are part of the platform. The API is built using REST principles which ensures predictable URLs that makes writing applications easy. This API follows HTTP rules, enabling a wide range of HTTP clients that can be used to interact with the API.
Every resource is exposed as a URL. The URL of each resource can be obtained by accessing the API Root Endpoint.
HTTP Method and Authentication's current API version only provides support for GET methods used for retrieving data. Using GET method, you can get the list of resources or details of a particular instance of a resource. All API calls are authenticated using an authorized UserID and Password which are passed as parameters with the GET request URL. In the example below we are using the login credentials, UserID="" and password UserPwd="123ABC" After 6 failed attempts the end user will be blocked for 24 hours.
For example to get a list of customers (counterparties) you would use the following URL for "ListCounterparties"
Responses will be in the JSON format. For example a response to the "ListAccounts" API may appear as follows: Note this is just an sample. Please see ListAccounts for complete documentation on this endpoint.
{ "AccountID" : 100123, "AccountName" : "Secondary Fiber Inc.", "Address1" : "1023 Commerce Street", "Address2" : "Suite 1023", "City" : "New London", "Region" : "CT", "PortalCode" : "10298", "Country" : "USA",<br> "StartDate" : "2024/09/02" }
API Call and Concurrent Rate Limits
API calls and execution concurrency are currently not limited. However, to provide better quality of service and availability to all the users this policy may change going forward with requests limited by total per day or by account.