Email Sending Options

Many Cloud clients have reported an increasing number of instances where email messages sent from the platform are not being received by customers and supply chain partners. This is primarily happening due to the increased security of many mail servers in conjunction with the way that cieTrade sends messages.


Email servers are increasingly requiring that the “FROM” address of an email message must match the email server that the mail was actually sent from to avoid spoofing and related phishing scams. Since cieTrade is sending emails from our own authorized domain “” and since we normally use the end-user’s organizational email address as the FROM address, our messages are being flagged more frequently.  Depending on the level of security of the receiving mail server these messages may be deferred, placed into spam, or outright rejected which is what cieTrade clients are experiencing more frequently.


With the next release of the platform, we will be introducing alternative email policies which should increase the reliability of email and prevent it from being flagged. These options can be accessed under Settings> Email> Email Settings. There are now three options.

Option 1: Send emails using in the FROM field.

How this works: On the email page, the Reply-To will be greyed out, or hardcoded to be the user who is logged in OR if you have an email template set up with a listed email address, that will take precedence.

The From will auto-populate with the first name of the user who is logged in, with ‘At [organizational name]’ In this example, my user name is Emily and my organizational profile is Secondary Fiber Inc, so my From is ‘Emily At Secondary Fiber Inc.’

The email will appear in the recipient's inbox as:

Once they open the email it will show like this:

Please note that the from email is to match the domain name and avoid going to the recipient's spam filter. However, the is not the first thing your recipient will see.

We have made the From line required, otherwise, it would reach your recipient inbox like this:

What you need to know: this is the recommended setting to avoid your emails being flagged as spam.

Option 2: Send emails using your organizational email addresses only.

How this works:  In this option, the system is not forcing the email to match the server name, so the From will populate as the user email that is logged in OR if you have an email template set up with a listed email address, that will take precedence. The email template and page will still have the same Reply To and From fields as above, but the from field is NOT required for this option and the display issues are shown below.

If you use the From field, it will appear in your recipient's inbox as:

When they open the from email will your user email:

If you do not use the From field, it will appear as:

The opened email will read:

What you need to know: This is the current email functionality and will be the default for the update. You will need to manually select a different email settings to effect a change.

Option #3: Send emails using your own email server.

When you select this option, a drop-down will appear:

There is a test connection button that will send a test email to the user’s inbox from the specified SMTP server. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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