Applying Charges on cieTrade

Where you apply charges in cieTrade depends on how you’d like to incorporate the expenses into the cost or sales price of the product. 

If it’s an associated cost to bringing in the material you should add it to the receiving ticket.  Examples of these types of costs are truck fees, wait time fees, or scale fees.  Add the charge under the Expenses section of your receiving worksheet by clicking ‘Add Expense’.

Fill in the information for the expense, this example shows adding a fuel surcharge fee to this receiving ticket.

Make sure to pick the appropriate expense account and save.  cieTrade will factor in the expense to the purchase cost of the item.

If you’d like the expense to be added into the cost of goods sold, you would include it on the converting job.  You may add labor, processing costs or tolling fees here.  The converting job should include any charges that you would want to add to adjust the cost of goods for the new output item from the converting job.  Add the charge under the Expenses section of your converting job by clicking ‘Add Expense’.

Enter your details in the ‘New Expense’ window that appears.

When you save the expense the calculation will be listed on the converting job with price, amount per expense and overall total.

The new COGS for the output product will show in the gross profit on the shipping worksheet that these parts are pulled onto.

If you need to show your customer a separate line for the charge OR affect the gross profit of the load you would enter it onto the shipping worksheet.   These charges may include labor, repackaging fees or freight fees that apply to this load.  Click ‘Add Expense’ on the worksheet to open up a window where you can enter your expenses.

Chargebacks can be entered as well as expenses if you are charging your customer for the expense that was incurred.  

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