Light Load Ledger

The Light Load Ledger report allows you to track light loads and send your supplier a memo for the weight deductions. You must set up a minimum weight on the purchase order so that it may qualify to be on this report, 

NOTE: The average weight of each truck shipment (or in this, Receiving Ticket) will be compared against the Minimum Weight entered. 

How is the Light Weight on the Ledger calculated?  It is calculated by subtracting the total weight shipped from the total weight that was expected to ship. The Average Weight calculated here, is what you would use to create an adjustment against one of the loads, and is based on ONLY the shipments where you received weight from your supplier.

As you start receiving shipments with an average weight above the minimum that was specified, they will start to appear on this report.

The report offers the ability to filter by  DateSupplierStatus, Department and Trade Type.  

 If needed, you can create a Light Load Adjustment document that you can then issue to your Supplier for a deduction.  This document will also contain a summary of all loads associated with your purchase order. 

To download a copy select the document icon on your order line, and the PDF will appear in a separate window on your browser. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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