What is ciePortal?

Customer Web Portal

Empower your customers with a 24/7 digital support center.

ciePortal is a single service web portal that integrates seamlessly with your cieTrade system. It provides your customers with secure and immediate access to their shipping, payment and pricing information from anywhere. It helps save time and adds value to your relationship with your trading and recycling partners, while minimizing requests to your back office. For a complete break down, see ciePortal (PDF).

Real-time Information

On-demand access to shipment details, summary reporting and contract information is available for customers and suppliers directly from your website. You can drill down to view important details, including load details, statuses, contract terms and more. You can also export to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Measure Recycling Efforts

Your trading and recycling partners can instantly evaluate their recycling efforts with a material distribution chart that displays recycled tonnage with user definable categories. Information is gathered based on actual tonnage and distribution of recycled commodities. It also features an Environmental Impact Statement, based on EPA guidelines, that makes it easier for customers to measure the performance of their recycling program.


Getting Setup

In order to gain access to the portal, you must contact the support team. An account setting will need to be enabled, which can only be done by a support member. The best way to reach one of them is by email, which can be directed to  support@cietrade.net. An alternative method would be to call our office, which can be reached at 203-323-0074. It is a quick and painless process. We encourage you to inquire with a team member if you have questions, or would like to move forward with setting up the portal.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to support@cietrade.net.

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