Tax adjustments

cieTrade has built in support for calculating sales taxes, as well as the ability to modify the tax amount directly on a worksheet. 

For clients that need to recalculate or modify the tax rate directly on the worksheet, for instance, to apply the Superfund tax, follow the below steps:

For set up:

1. Under Settings> Users & Roles, check 'Allow Sales Tax Editing'

If this is unchecked, the user will not be able to modify the tax on the worksheet. 

2. Under Settings> Taxes, set up the applicable taxes. Here is a help file to assist:

3. On the main left menu, click on Counterparty and bring up the Customer.  Under The Tax code, there should be a tax code set. 

Once everything has been set up correctly, you can apply the tax:

1. On a Brokerage or Shipping worksheet, the tax code associated with the customer will default on the worksheet edit page:

2. To edit the tax amount, save the Worksheet in Work status

3. On the Worksheet view page, click on the Tax: link in the Profit Snapshot box. This will bring up a pop up window.

4. Click under the Amount and enter the new tax amount

5. This will update the Profit snapshot and Invoice amount to the Customer

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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