Defining Your Organization

Your Organization Profile is where your company information is stored and managed. Information such as the name, address, contact information, logo and a few other account settings/information.

WARNING: The company name, address, phone number/email and logo from this page is what will appear on your documents.

How to Find and Update Your Organization Profile

  1. Navigate to Settings > Organization Profile.
  2. Click upload your logo if have an image/logo you would like to show on your documents. The preferred image size is 240px x 240px @ 72 DPI. The maximum file size is 1MB. 
  3. Enter the Company Name.
    1. Department Name (Short): informal version of the name that is used internally to identify it.
    2. Company Name: official name that will be used on your documents.
  4. Enter the Company Address, City, Region, Postal Code, and Country.
  5. Enter a Phone Number and Email
  6. If applicable, you can select a Remit To Address.
  7. Complete your company setup by confirming the filled out information and domicile Currency is correct. 
  8. Once you're finished, click Save.

You're done!

NOTE: The fields indicated in RED are required in order to establish your organization.

Additional Information

Time Zone

You have the ability to define the time zone for where you're located in the world. The automatic email from the Scheduled Reports feature will take this selection into account for the time the email is sent.

Invoice Prefix

You have the ability to define a prefix for your invoice numbers at the organization/department level. This can be extremely helpful in being able to identify at-a-glance what department a particular invoice correlates to.

License Count

Your account's license count will be displayed at the bottom of the page within the User License Count field. The number of licenses you have can be changed by contacting the support team.

Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication is a vital tool in preventing unwanted entities from accessing cieTrade. You can change your account to require all of your users to provide two methods of authentication upon signing in on a new device. The first form of authentication is the initial login attempt, and the second is a follow up email that is sent that the user who is attempting to sign in will have to confirm in order to be granted access.

For more information on enabling 2FA, please see our helpfile here.

How to Setup Multiple Departments

For more information on setting up different departments, please see our helpfile here.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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