Customize Columns

Users have the ability to customize the size and ordering of the columns on inquiry screens. This can allow you to organize and present the data in the way you want. Any customizations made will only affect the user who made said changes view. In addition, if the inquiry is exported (as XLS or CSV), it will remain in the format/order set on the inquiry. A majority of the inquiry screen's in cieTrade have this feature, if not, all of them.

How to Find:

This feature will be available on all of the inquiry screens within cieTrade. To locate it, navigate to the inquiry of your choosing (i.e module). Then up at the top, next to the 'Go' button, there will be a button labeled "Customized". This is where you can manage the order and spacing of the columns.

How to Use:

There are three features provided in this tool. They are:

Disable/Enable Columns

The checkbox next to each column correlates to the status of the column. If checked (portrayed as a full blue box with a checkmark), then

Reorder Columns

The data points of the inquiry (from left to right) is laid out from top to bottom. To change the placement of your columns, select a column and use the up (▲) and down (▼) buttons to move it.

Change Column Width

The column on the right labeled Width, is the width of the column (in pixels). To change the size of a column, simply increase or decrease the number that corresponds to the intended column.

Once you are finished with any changes, make sure you click Save Changes before leaving.

Additional Information:

As mentioned, the order of your columns will determine how that inquiry (or report) is exported. More specifically, the order of the columns within the file. If you would restore your columns back to it's default state, you can do so by clicking the restore button (↻).

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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