Receipts Import

The Receipts Import tool can allow users to quickly import receipts of outstanding AR balances into the system. It supports the importation of large quantities at a time, which can make entering enormous amounts of data into the system, a breeze!

Finding the (AR) Receipts Import Tool

  1. Navigate to Accounting
  2. Click on Receipts Ledger.
  3. Go to Tasks Import Bulk Receipts

How to Add / Fill-in Information

The Receipts Import tool does not have an exportable file, in which you can use to fill out information and reupload. All information must be entered directly into the online spreadsheet provided by cieTrade.

In-cieTrade Method:

Each column represents a data point on the Receipts form. Each row represents a different receipt. Add the needed information into the available and applicable fields within the spreadsheet. Once all of the information has been added, click the  Import Data button to bring it into the system.

Once this template is imported into the system, these newly recorded receipts will sit on the Receipts Ledger inquiry.

Flagged Cells & Common Issues

Upon uploading the spreadsheet, you may run into a problem where a handful or more data cells are flagged, which will prevent the upload from being completed. The most common cause of a flagged cell is due to an issue with the information in the cell, or the format that it is in. After the validation check, which occurs upon clicking the Import Data button, a comment will be added to any flagged cell detailing the reason why it was flagged.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to

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