Purchase & Sales Order Upload Tool

The Order Upload tool allows users to quickly import new Purchase or Sales Orders into the system. It supports large quantities of orders, which can make entering a large number of new orders into the system, a breeze!

Finding the Order Upload Tool

The Order Upload tool can be found at the same spot on both the Purchase or Sales Order inquiry. Depending on the type of order you are trying to create, navigate to the respective module and use the import tool located on the page. Next to the Go, Export As, and Customize buttons, there will be one labeled Import. Click the Import button to be taken to the Order Upload page.

NOTE: Only PO's can be imported from the Purchase Order page, and only SO's on the Sales Order page.

How to Add / Fill-in Information

There are two options users have in terms of adding information to the spreadsheet. You can either add the order information directly into the cells on the spreadsheet within cieTrade OR you can export a copy of the excel sheet, for you to fill out at your leisure.

In-cieTrade Method:

  • The benefit of filling out the order upload file directly within cieTrade is there are drop-down boxes with the information already within the system that you can quickly select from the list of choices. This essentially will give you an ongoing validation check for the points of data, likely causing the final upload to contain little to no flagged cells.
  • Process: fill out the spreadsheet provided by cieTrade

Outside cieTrade Method (exported file):

  • The benefit of exporting a copy of the upload file, and filling it outside of cieTrade is that you will have a better ability to copy and paste and do large scale data manipulation easier than you would be able to in the system. Additionally, the file can be filled out without a set time limit. So this is great for the larger tasks where you have a large volume of orders being created, or multiple team members will be working on filling out the information.
  • Process: click the Download Template button to download an excel file which will mirror the shown spreadsheet. The order information can be added directly into the excel file, which will then need to be uploaded for any new orders to be created. 

NOTE: Both the spreadsheet in cieTrade and the exported file will contain comments in the column headers which will provide more information of the data the field is looking for, and the format it needs to be in. In addition, whether or not this is a required or optional field will be noted.

Importing the Data:

Once the information for the new Purchase or Sales Order(s) have been entered into the upload tool (either within cieTrade or the file), and you are ready to upload them into the system in which real SO or POs will be created, follow the below steps:

Import Data using the Spreadsheet within cieTrade:

When the spreadsheet is complete and ready to be uploaded into cieTrade (i.e all of the needed information has been entered), to convert the data from the spreadsheet into a standard cieTrade Order, click the Import button.

Import Data using Exported File

When the exported file is complete and ready to be uploaded into cieTrade, you will first need to upload the file into the Import Order page, and then import it. The steps below should act as a guide:

  1. Navigate to the Import Order page. (go to the respective module for the type of order you are uploading)
  2. There will be a field with a Browse button next to it. Click it. 
  3. A file explorer for your computer will appear. Find the file on your machine and select it. Click Open once it has been selected.
  4. Once the file has been added to the webpage, click Load from file to upload it into cieTrade's format.
  5. A preview of the excel sheet will be shown. You can make any final or needed changes at this point.
  6. Once ready, click the Import button to bring all of the new orders that have been established on the spreadsheet, into cieTrade.

NOTE: Once the Import button is used, it is at this point cieTrade will run it's validation process and flag any cells that contain errors. If the upload was a success, you will receive a confirmation banner message alerting you that it was a success, and the number of orders created.

Flagged Cells & Common Issues

Upon uploading new orders, you may run into a problem where one or more data cells are flagged, which will prevent the upload from being completed. The most common cause of a flag is either due to the data, or the format that it's in. After the validation check, a comment will be added to any flagged cell which will provide more information about the specific reason(s) as to why it is preventing the upload.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team via email to  support@cietrade.net.

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